NASCAR Pre-Race Prayer Asking For "A Jesus Man" To Be The Next President Is Peak NASCAR

NASCAR pre-race invocations are some of THE most electric things in all of sports. Such a sneaky underrated aspect of the sports world. We’ve had some blogs over the years on just how incredible/strange NASCAR is – my recap of the Daytona 500, Caleb’s blog + video. But unless you experience it for yourself you just can’t appreciate the magic.
I mean you have the guy from Duck Dynasty standing in front of a flaming skull and crossbones talking about Jesus’s resurrection and praying for a Republican in the White House right before they kick off a major race. Where else in the wide world of sports can you even come close to something like that?
Also, never forget Pastor Joe thanking Jesus for motor fuel and his smokin hot wife.

If you’re in the South, not only is God real, but he sits in an RV in Heaven on the weekends slugging Bud Heavies wearing a Dale Jr. hat.